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LSE | Linear Strip Excision

LSE | Linear Strip Excision

FUT | Follicular Unit Transplant
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LSE | Linear Strip Excision

FUT | Follicular Unit Transplant
LSE is short term for Linear Strip Excision also known as FUT short term for Follicular Unit Transplant. It is a minimally invasive procedure and yields good quality crafts. Our art&fact team will determine which procedure is best for you considering different aspects including: hair style, hair length, age, gender and hair loss pattern, donor area, and relationship of your age to the stage of hair loss progression. Once the hair is removed from the donor site and the follicular units are obtained, we place them into the area that is requiring hair density.
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what to know
Down time
Days 3-6 following surgery: you may resume light activity. Days 7-21 following surgery: resume normal physical activities & resume normal hair-washing routine.
New hair growth is visible starting at 3 months and can take around 12 to 15 months to see the full effect.
Local anaesthesia
Starting cost
The cost of LSE or FUT is dependent on the graft received from the candidate. During your personalized consultation, our experienced team evaluates factors such as the extent of hair loss, desired outcomes, and the complexity of the procedure. This thorough assessment ensures a tailored approach to meet your unique goals. Advancements in hair transplant techniques and technology contribute to varying costs. Whether it's Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) also known as Linear Strip Excision (LSE), our commitment to utilizing cutting-edge methods ensures optimal results. The chosen technique, in conjunction with the expertise of our team, influences the overall cost. While the initial cost is a consideration, it's crucial to view a hair transplant as a long-term investment, creating confidence and improved quality of life that result from a successful procedure. Our transparent pricing structure ensures that you receive value not just during the procedure but throughout your journey.
alternative treatments
treatments in harmony
conditions treated
Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness. Patients with more extensive hair restoration needs are good candidates for LSE or FUT,
- what to know
Down time
Days 3-6 following surgery: you may resume light activity. Days 7-21 following surgery: resume normal physical activities & resume normal hair-washing routine.
New hair growth is visible starting at 3 months and can take around 12 to 15 months to see the full effect.
Local anaesthesia
starting cost
The cost of LSE or FUT is dependent on the graft received from the candidate. During your personalized consultation, our experienced team evaluates factors such as the extent of hair loss, desired outcomes, and the complexity of the procedure. This thorough assessment ensures a tailored approach to meet your unique goals. Advancements in hair transplant techniques and technology contribute to varying costs. Whether it's Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) also known as Linear Strip Excision (LSE), our commitment to utilizing cutting-edge methods ensures optimal results. The chosen technique, in conjunction with the expertise of our team, influences the overall cost. While the initial cost is a consideration, it's crucial to view a hair transplant as a long-term investment, creating confidence and improved quality of life that result from a successful procedure. Our transparent pricing structure ensures that you receive value not just during the procedure but throughout your journey.
alternative treatments
treatments in harmony
conditions treated
Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness. Patients with more extensive hair restoration needs are good candidates for LSE or FUT,
more details

Men with androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness, make good candidates for this procedure. LSE can achieve a higher hair transplant density as more follicles are extracted from the strip of skin. Patients with more extensive hair restoration needs are good candidates for LSE or FUT, as hair that is removed from the back of the head are the longest and healthiest, resulting in better hair restoration at the implant site.


The Plastic Surgeon will remove a thin strip of skin from the scalp, typically from the back of your head and then sutured close. The exact length and width required will depend on how many follicles are needed to achieve your desired results. The procedure typically leaves behind a thin linear scar and hair located above the scar can be utilised to cover the scar. The key to a comfortable hair transplant lies in the administration of local anaesthesia. The donor and recipient areas are numbed and most patients report feeling only minimal discomfort. Patient is under local anaesthesia to ensure they are relaxed and comfortable throughout the procedure. Pre-Operative instructions will be provided at the time of consultation with our team and upon booking surgery.


LSE can result in longer recovery time, compared to FUE, as the suture and incision will require time to heal. Leave your head open to air as much as possible. Avoid the use of hairpieces unless absolutely necessary for 21 days after surgery. If you plan to wear these, let us know so we can instruct you on proper positioning. The transplanted area should not be exposed to prolonged, direct sunlight for three months. Please be careful using hats in order to not rub the transplanted area. We will see you in the office and remove your stitches in 1-2 weeks after your procedure depending on age and scalp tension. 

With our trained and knowledgeable team and with advancements in technology and techniques, the procedure is generally well-tolerated. After the procedure, some individuals may experience minor scabbing or redness around the transplant sites, which is a natural part of the healing process. Some patients may also experience mild soreness or discomfort, which is temporary and can be alleviated with prescribed pain medications, and it tends to subside within a few days.

Patients return home on the same day of their procedure and are advised to take it easy for the remainder of the day. In the immediate aftermath of a hair transplant, it's advisable to allow your body time to recover. The first few days are crucial for the healing process. While you can engage in light activities, it's best to avoid strenuous exercises, heavy lifting, and activities that may put undue stress on the treated areas. Rest, listening to your body, and following our intentional post-operative care instructions will be the primary team supporting your recovery. 

As the initial days pass, you'll likely feel more comfortable and can gradually increase your activity level. Still, it's essential to avoid intense physical activities, direct sun exposure, and swimming during this period. Following your post-operative care instructions provided by your hair team will contribute significantly to a smoother recovery and optimal hair growth.

In one week you may resume your normal hair washing routine. This period allows your body to focus on healing and ensures the best possible outcome for your new hair. By the end of the week, many individuals find themselves ready to resume most of their regular activities. However, your body will know best and will tell you when the healing process has reached a point where you can return to regular, daily activity without strain. Care should still be taken while cleaning the transplanted site following hair transplant surgery, because it is during this period that the healing mechanisms of your body secure the grafts firmly in place. It is crucial to listen to your body and avoid activities that may compromise the healing process or put pressure on the grafted site. Following our recommended care post procedure will aid in your comfort and help promote the best possible healing and results.

things to consider

Understanding the timeline for hair growth and the progression of results is key to managing expectations. New hair growth is visible starting at 3 months and can take around 12 to 15 months to see the full effect.

At 1-4 weeks post op, you can expect that some transplanted hair will begin to shed. This is a normal process and should not be a concern as all the transplanted grafts will shed during this time. This is a natural part of the process, and it doesn't mean that the procedure was unsuccessful. The follicles are merely preparing for new growth. Patience during this phase is crucial as the real transformation is yet to come. 

Around the second to third month post-transplant, you may start noticing small signs of regrowth. Initially, the new hair may be fine and subtle. Results vary among individuals, and some may see more noticeable changes during this period.

The majority of patients experience significant growth and improvement in the appearance of their hair between the fourth and sixth months. At this stage, the transplanted hair becomes more visible, and you'll likely notice a positive change in your overall hair density and coverage.

As time progresses, the transplanted hair continues to thicken and mature. By the one-year mark, many individuals achieve substantial results, and the full benefits of the hair transplant become evident. Continued improvement can occur up to 18 months post-procedure. Patience is key in the growth process. It takes a full year or more to achieve a final result.

Quick considerations
sound body
health and weight play a large part in recovery so it's best if both are stable
A good candidate is someone who is relatively healthy and at a stable weight.
reality check
every body is one-of-a-kind and your results will be unique to you
The patient must have realistic expectations for post-procedure outcomes. Surgical candidacy will be determined at the consultation to better determine realistic outcomes.
no smoking here
we strongly advised that you are a non-smoker at the time of surgery
If you are a smoker we recommend you quit smoking at least three months prior to surgery to avoid post-operative complications.